Gaye Chapman
All this useless Beauty II
All this useless Beauty II
A response to All this useless beauty II by Gaye Chapman
Only you hurt.
There is no way we can know
where you’ve been or why
but we are here now standing
around you you will not fall
we can show you the way
to strength you always knew you had.
It’s been a long time since
the wounded animal took shelter
curled tightly around itself unreachable.
Perhaps it will still die. It’s hard
standing on your own. Even harder leaning.
Try placing your feet together here
at the end of the circle look up towards
the middle take the first step
one very slow step into the spiral
each curve will comfort the echo of your tears
each chamber chart your growth
you will never be alone.
feather light come come move on
we have had all the time in the world
we know how long it takes to form
to build rebuild ourselves over and over
until no-one would ever guess that we have
finally reached our beginning
retraced everything we knew loved trusted
the courage templates of our being
with the same touch that leads you
every inch however long it takes
around getting stronger
around forgetting everything
around remembering nothing
letting go
coming out of your shell.
Carolyne Bruyn
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